Book Reviews

The following are books that I have read, that I am either recommending or telling you not to waste your time on. Most of them I loved, however a few I did not agree with. Check them out :)

Body Respect by Linda Bacon, PhD and Lucy Aphramor, PhD, RD

Body Respect is a great book for anyone to read.  Anyone who has body image issues, anyone who has to work with those who struggle mentally with health/body and really anyone who needs a boost! There is a lot of great information in this book, from how to boost your body positivity to breaking down the myths and facts of nutrition! Everyone loses weight and uses calories differently- this book gives you the breakdown of that. Do I recommend this book? Yes, Yes, Yes! It is great for building yourself up, along with learning how to help others with a lot of nutritional facts and myth busting. 

Wheat Belly By William Davis, M.D

Wheat belly is a tough book to read.. it's very controversial.  The whole time, he is basically blaming wheat on everyone's weight and health issues. He claims that wheat causes a thing called "wheat belly", when people eat carbohydrates- it causes visceral fat to store. This is not true. Fun fact: doctors only have a few credits of nutrition to their studies- they are not nutrition focused, that's only RD's and nutritional studies. Do I recommend this book? Absolutely Not. I do not agree with the message as he is telling people to go Atkins or Keto (same fad, different name)

Clarity Cleanse by Habib Sadeghi, D.O

The Clarity Cleanse is a great book for mental clarity.  It is interesting to read, and keeps your interest on working towards becoming a better version of you.  However, there is a "mental clarity diet" that is suggested for people to do to help cleanse their mind. Your body is a natural cleanser- therefore I do not agree with any kind of "diet" as a cleanse. This diet consists of anchovies, apples and nothing to possibly give inflammation- mainly consisting of anchovies and apples for days at a time. I did not try this diet, I thought it sounded like a bit much- however just for reference I will try it at some point. Do I recommend this book? I do, if you enjoy a quick read on mental clarity.  I just do not recommend the diet written in it, everything else is great information. 

$2.00 a day by Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer

This book has it's pros and cons. I do not agree with everything in it, I will leave the political views to myself.  It is a very political book, however it is very eye opening.  I read this book along with watching the documentary "Living on $1.00 a day", they went very well together. It really puts things into perspective as to how fortunate most of us are. Do I recommend this book? I do, especially for future health professionals, so they can look at both sides of the fence in some cases.  However, you need to go into it without having a bias. 


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