Road of Dietetics

I am often asked, "What made you want to study to become a Registered Dietitian?" I have a few reasons!
  1. Anyone can be a Personal Trainer- I am a personal trainer and I absolutely LOVE what I do, but it does not take much to become certified. All you need to become a trainer is passion for fitness and $500 to take the class/exam. I see so many people on social media promoting meal plans and fitness plans for a ridiculous amount of money, and they are NOT qualified. As a Registered Dietitian, I have more than a certification- I have a degree which shows that I am valuable in the health and wellness industry and I went the extra mile (More like 10 miles) to show that I truly care about the field of health, fitness and wellness.
  2. Food has become a passion- I love to cook! I used to have no idea what I was doing, but I learned and continue to learn everyday! I take recipes that I find and turn them into clean eating, healthy, delicious recipes. I love finding new ways to make foods healthier than what the media tries to pressure people to eat. Food can help someone to become confident, help someone be healthy, it can prevent disease and illnesses- it's the best medicine!
  3. I want to teach women to love their bodies- As found in my bio, I struggled with an with loving my body for many years. I had such a terrible relationship with myself and food, it also affected my everyday relationships. I was moody, unhappy, never satisfied, labeled foods "good" or "bad", I truly hated my body and how it looked. I took control by switching my eating habits and hiring a personal trainer (before I became a personal trainer) to teach me how to workout, along with nutritional guidance.  My mindset over a 2 year span, did a complete turn around. I know what it is like to hate your body, I know what it is like to feel lost when it comes to nutrition, I want others to feel so good about themselves that their confidence lights up the room. I want to help people with body image issues, with eating disorders and I want to stop the body shaming. Everyone is beautiful and I spread the word and promote positive body image in every way I can.

Future Goals
I am a huge believer of setting goals, short term and long term.  I feel they are important because it will keep you on your path to achieving something big.
My short term goals:

  • Complete an internship
  • Become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
  • Become a traveling RDN 
My Long Term Goals:
  • Receive my Master's in Food Science or Psychology 
  • Open my own practice
  • To build a career in behavioral health nutrition with a focus on eating disorder prevention and treatment
  • Write a cook book
  • Have my own cooking show/YouTube channel
Short term goals lead up to long term goals. To be successful, you have to have a plan in place and that is what most short term goals are. I have started to come up with ways to achieve not only my short term goals, but my long term goals as well.

My Passions
I am a busy girl, just as everyone else in this world is. I make time for the things that I love, if not- I would be miserable. I use my planner as my life guide, I write everything in it that I need to do, I create to-do lists and plan my time accordingly.
  • Traveling- I love to travel, I go to Florida a few times per year because I love the warm weather and the beach. I plan this accordingly and truly enjoy every moment that I get to go.  I love anywhere that I get to travel to, I love to experience new things and always seem to find a challenge. My goal is to visit a new place per year!
  • Hiking- Hiking for me is an accomplishment and an outlet. This is something that I absolutely love. I have hiked all of the Smokey Mountains, BANFF Canada, the Rockies and am working on fulfilling all of the National Parks in the country! 
  • Working Out- I love how the body can change. I love to lift weights and see new muscle definition. It is so much fun to me, I feel great after I do it and I know that my body appreciated me taking care of it.
  • Friends/Family- I try to see friends and family whenever I can, life gets busy sometimes. I love them with all of my heart, they are a big part of me. 

If you want something in life bad enough, you will find time and ways to accomplish what you want to. I make time to meal prep my food, study for school, workout, spend time with friends/family. Everyone has to figure out the correct way to balance what they want in life. If I can, so can you!


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