
Cooking with Crock-Pots
St. Mark's church in Bowling Green, nutritional education class with recipes for food insecurity. 

What I Learned: Food insecurity is larger than anyone would expect.  As future dietitians, it is important for us to be understanding and to be knowledgeable on the subject and how we can help those who are facing it daily, and how we can help them get out of it (pic to the right)

Wood County Center of Aging
Senior center meal serving, meals on wheels, grocery shopping with seniors, packing lunches for meals on wheels.

What I learned: Many elderly people do not want to cook for themselves, so they get meals delivered or go to the senior center to have social time along with a nutritious meal.  A lot of elderly do not get the proper nutrition that they need and they look forward to a hot meal, which is potentially the only meal they get for the day. They are a big part of our population and we need to take care of them, just as they took care of us.

WBGU Cooking Show, BGSU
On BGSU's TV channel, made my vegetable lasagna on a cooking TV show. (So much fun!)

What I learned: I learned that I really want my own cooking show, even if it is setting up a youtube channel.  I love educating people and showing them great recipes that are not boring, yet still nutritious.

Backpack Coalition, Bedford, MI
Part of running for Miss. Monroe County in the Miss America program, June 2013.
Made backpacks for children who cannot afford school supplies

What I learned: Not all children are privileged, they worry about how they are going to get the things they need and this comes not only with "things", but with food! During the school year, children have access to food everyday, where as in the summertime- they are not guaranteed a meal. It is important to be knowledgeable of the local programs for children as health professionals and as everyday people.

Bridge to Recovery- River Centre Clinic, Sylvania, Ohio

May 2013 and May 2014

Helped to coordinate the walk towards eating disorder recovery, gather sponsorships and set up the walk.

What I learned: I spoke with a lot of the girls who suffered and went through counseling at the clinic.  It was very eye opening and I have a great interest in helping those recovery from ED's.

NEDA Walk- Organizer June 2013

Over $2,000 raised for the National Eating Disorder Association. I worked with NEDA to organize a walk in Toledo, OH. It was a great experience and great to raise money for such a great cause.  NEDA helps fund for those who cannot afford treatment. 


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